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All About MNsure.

MNsure is Minnesota's health insurance marketplace where you can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets your needs. 


Your Tree Top agents are here to help you with every step of the process: from application to determining which tax credit you qualify for to selecting a coverage plan. Let us be your certified guides. 

MNsure Logo

Things to know:

Who Qualifies for MNsure?

Any Minnesota resident who is a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident, or lawfully present can purchase health insurance through MNsure. 

How to Apply

We are specially certified MNsure assisters. We are ready to help you with every step of the process all at no cost to you.

Call us first, before you get started.

Open Enrollment

This is your annual opportunity to enroll in private health insurance or renew or change your existing plan. 

​This enrollment period is typically from Nov 1 - Jan 1 each year.

Understanding the many types of plans and various ways to pay for them is not easy. We will help you take advantage of the best funding and find the plan that fits your needs best.

Our help is free to you.

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